Monday, June 27, 2005

Sorry Sorry

Just a quick update ... I know I said I would have those Rocking chair pictures up last week (sorry busy busy busy and totally distracted)... but I just started it yesterday unfortunately and it is being a beast. I will put a progress shot soon though ... I have the slip cover partially pinned and basted together.

I started on a baby sweater on the weekend and have seamed it up. All I have to do is weave in the ends and block it. The halter I was working on is going to be tackled tonight at our SnB and my sister's purse is next on my list of Projects to finish up (hummm could that be because I am feeling guilty and I am going to visit on the weekend? YES... I have a three hour ferry ride over and an hour in the car to work on it Thursday night too so fingers crossed I can get it done and then felt it when I get to her place.

All of this is of course if I don't melt tomorrow ... it is supposed to be 40 degrees with the humidity tomorrow. Saturday, I was at a BBQ/poker evening (which in spite of the heat was a brilliant time!) and we practically melted with the 38 degrees... Nice lightening show though. I had taken a cab over and just walked into the entrance way and the sky dumped itsload. There wasn't enough rain to cool it down though. It only lasted about 5 minutes or so.

Monday, June 20, 2005

What Kind of Knitter are you?

Rites of Passage had this on her blog ... its a fun little quiz ;)

Knitting Guru
You appear to be a Knitting Guru. You love knitting
and do it all the time. While finishing a piece
is the plan, you still love the process, and
can't imagine a day going by without giving
some time to your yarn. Packing for vacation
involves leaving ample space for the stash and
supplies. It can be hard to tell where the yarn
ends and you begin.

What Kind of Knitter Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I didn't get too much done this weekend... I had planned on having my halter top completed by Saturday so I could wear it but my yarn had other ideas... I am making it with some recycled yarn and wasn't paying enough attention to it and it ended up becoming a snarled mess. I spent 2 nights trying to untangle enough of it to actually get the last four rows finished and bind it off. Ya that's right I only had 4 rows to go. I did finally manage to get that done, only to realize that one of my triangles was smaller then the other ... DOH! So I ripped that back about half way and started again.

Yesterday however I got distracted ... I was at my parents place for the weekend (thanks by the way Mum for trying to untrangle my mess of yarn!) and Mum gave me an old rocking chair they had got at one of the auctions they go to. Lets just say it was gross, it had the worst color of teal on it and was super dirty. Not much was good on it except the frame. So my parents and I spent some time on it and ripped everything off down to the frame and built it back up... I didn't remember to take a before picture though :(. We decided that we would redo it so that I could make a slip cover that matches my couch (spent about a year reuplostering my couch and bought way too much fabric for it so I have about 10 meters of fabric left from it to make the slip cover). Tonight or tomorrow I will be starting on the slip cover for it. This is the most comfortable chair ever... It used to have arms on it but I couldn't knit with them on it and I like the look of it better without them on there so they never made it back on to the chair.

I don't have any pictures today but I will tomorrow :)

Monday, June 13, 2005

Fiber Festival and a new halter

This is just a quicky post so here goess....

Well I went ot a fiber festival the other weekend and got a couple of shots of some goats that they had demonstrated shearing... I unfortunately over slept and missed it :(

It was a beauftiful day out so I decided that a knitting session outside with a cool drink

...and caught this the shot of a cute squirrel who keep running around in front of me.

Ok apologise to my sister.... I have started this new project and I have not finished her purse yet :/.... but not to fear I will be back on that as soon as this is done!
It has been so hot and humid here so what is better then an cute halter top to wear around. I'm hoping to have it done by the weekend since it is supposed to be sunny out.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Honeymoon Cami...

My first garment I made was the Honeymoon cami. Unfortunately I didn't adjust my pattern properly and it didn't fit me :( ... however I didn't rip it all out (I know I amazed myself at the amount of no-ripping control I had for this project!) ONLY because my sister Nicky was coming to visit me and I thought that it may just fit her. Eh Voila! It did .. mostly anyway. We are both short waited so I adjusted the straps to bring the waist shaping up to the proper spot instead of ripping it all back and shortening the waist. I also made the straps wide. I think I am going to make another one and spend some more time on doing proper shaping for it this time. I have more infor on adjusting shaping now and hopefully will make a better fit for me this time :)

Here is a look at the Swedish weaving that my sister Nicky is working on ... Absolutely beautiful work.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Computer breakdown and French Market Bag is Done !

There are just some days that you think you come up with brilliant ideas and act on them... then everything breaks. Last Sunday night was one of them. In a fit of organization I decide to rearrange my living room. I had made sure i turned off my computer and everything to be sure it would be ok ... and when I plugged it back in it wouldn't work right... I finally got it going again with the help of my friends who were very patient with me about the whole thing. Unfortunately I went to watch a movie and my DVD player doesn't work *sigh* oh well sometimes you can't win but there are always things to cheer you up, like ...

I completed my French market bag ... and I love it! The only thing I changed with it is that I made it taller so I could cart more stuff in it :)

I can't wait to take it to the Saturday market this weekend!

I also completed a knitting bag for me to lug my stuff around with. I used the leftovers from some previous projects to do this with. Any guesses which ones?
... Blackberry loved it ... have a look...

Blackberry also decided to model a Scarf that the lovely Pam made for her hubby.

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